Following the pre-flight print checklist, ensuring your document is print ready, will get your job into print and shipped quick. Missed one of the checklist steps? No problem! If our production team cannot fix the issue, our production team will be in contact with you for updated artwork files. Please be sure to monitor the inbox of the email address used to process your order, as production will contact you through email.
Cut the stress and download our certified print templates. Our print templates come print ready with the required bleed line added, resolution set to 300 DPI, and color mode is in CMYK. Templates have guidelines for every size offered to ensure important information won't be cut off! If you have any questions regarding your artwork, please email us at info@wetheprinters.com. Be sure to include your artwork files!
We accept the following files, .psd, .ai, .eps, .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg. If you are sending files that are .ai, .pdf, or .eps, please make sure you outline your fonts! Unfortunately, files that are received without fonts being converted to outline will cause a delay in your order. If our production team reaches this issue with your files, our team will be in contact with you to resolve the issue. If you're unsure on how to convert your fonts to outline, please be sure to email us the fonts used in the artwork and we will convert these for you.

#1 // BORDERS are a great touch to any print media item. However, understanding proper border placement will achieve great consistency for your jobs! It's important to note that printing plates can shift up to 1/16". Having a thick border is really key to having a consistent frame around your artwork. We do not guarantee that any type of border thickness will be 100% even. We will not credit/refund any jobs that contain slightly shifted borders! See below for a reference of a plate shift with a document using borders.

- #2 // USING BLUE in your final artwork for print? Be sure that your MAGENTA and CYAN color formulas have at least a 30% difference. Otherwise, you'll start to notice a purple hue to your rich blues! Use a low amount of magenta whenever using high amounts of cyan to avoid the purple hue. See below for an example.